Learning in Precision Livestock Farming

ICIAP 2021 Workshop

Call for Papers

The Workshop on Learning in Precision Livestock Farming (LPLF), held in conjunction with ICIAP 2021, aims to attract novel and original contributions on the analysis, study and proposal of innovative machine and deep learning techniques applied to the automatic monitoring of animals in intensive farms, helping to improve the living conditions of the animals, optimizing the use of non-renewable resources and providing a positive social and environmental impact.

Precision livestock farming (PLF) has recently proved to be an effective resource in supporting the monitoring, observation and assessment of livestock conditions in intensive farms, overcoming the obvious disadvantages in terms of costs and time associated to manual supervision by human operators. PLF is a multidisciplinary research field, which integrates IoT technology, wireless sensor networks, multi-modal data analysis, and has recently seen a wider and wider application of machine learning techniques for automatic animal behaviour understanding, estimation of animal wellness, and yield prediction.

Expected submissions should cover, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Accepted papers will be presented at oral and poster sessions, and the workshop proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS.